At It’s The Vet’s, we a proud to be stockists of the Number 1 best-selling pet food brand. Virbac HPM Veterinary is an extensive range of wellness food created by Virbac and has been designed to meet your pet’s nutritional needs as much as possible. Pop in or give us a call today to see how we can support your pet’s nutrition.

About Virbac Pet Food

In the 1960s, the various preparations manufactured by human pharmaceutical laboratories at that time did not make it possible to treat all the animal diseases. In 1968, while these major groups were looking to invest in animal health, Pierre-Richard Dick, a veterinary doctor in Nice, drew upon his training at the Pasteur Institute to devise and develop new medications. He founded Virbac with a desire to provide veterinarians, farmers and pet owners worldwide with a set of innovative solutions to fight animal diseases.

"Focusing on animal health, from the beginning"

Virbac is a global leader in animal health care. They have an innovative approach to nutrition, their approach is to help prevent disease and poor health through their nutritional range – thus improving the quality of life of the animals in our care right from the start of life, through to their senior years. As their needs change through their life Virbac diets include a range of specific beneficial agents to help your pet combat issues in front of them. Virbac believe that the health of cats and dogs begins with nutrition and so do we. The best nutritional range actually helps prevent certain diseases and is key to us managing chronic conditions such as diabetes, urinary or joint problems. Virbac has invested in developing diets that are highly adapted to the needs of todays cats and dogs, the highly evolved carnivores in our homes!

CLick & Collect

Order your pet’s favourite food ready for you to collect from the clinic in 1-2 working days.

(Please note this is for existing customers only. If you would like to discuss the most suitable food for your pet please book a consultation else your order will not be processed.)

Click & Collect Order